Artist Wines No. 33

ARTIST WINES! - Uncorking musician-priced cellar secrets

Boira' Pinot Grigio, Veneto, Italy 2022 Price: $14.99  SBH Rating: β™¬πŸŒΌπŸ‹β˜€οΈπŸ³πŸ’›

There is nothing I enjoy more than lunch wine. This one is zesty and fruity and pairs perfectly with your pink (faux) fur coat. What could be more glamorous than luxuriating over this light, citrusy wine with Risotto all'uovo in the early afternoon? Even on a grey January day, you'll feel like you're in a sunny sidewalk cafΓ© in Venice. Saluti!

β™« Drink with: β€œSummertime In Venice” sung by Jerry Vale