Artist Wines No. 32

ARTIST WINES! - Uncorking musician-priced cellar secrets

Georges Vigouroux Gouleyant, Malbec, Cahors, France 2019 Price: $16.95  SBH Rating: ♬ πŸ‡ πŸ‘―β€β™€οΈ 🌺 🍷 πŸŽΆ

This wine tastes grape! Gentle, but complex, this is what you drink when you are trading secrets on a Saturday afternoon with a good friend. Savour especially the cheeky tartness. It's what makes this wine both fresh and ancient as only a French malbec can be. 

β™« Drink with: Beethoven: Das GlΓΌck der Freundschaft, Op. 88 (The Happiness of Friendship), performed by Peter Schreier & Walter Olbertz