Artist Wines No. 29

ARTIST WINES! - Uncorking musician-priced cellar secrets

Rymill The Yearling Sauvignon Blanc, Coonawarra, Australia 2020 Price: $14.89  SBH Rating: ♬ πŸ’šπŸŒ±πŸ‘ŒπŸΌπŸˆπŸπŸŒ±  πŸŽΆ

Open this for a taste of July in January! I bought this because of its magical pale mint colour. And the flavour, well.... How do you like them melons? Not to mention lime, pear… and then a hint of dill! What a surprise.

β™« Drink with: Kristina VΓ₯rlid playing 'The Old Lime Tree' by Sergey Rudnev.